Empowering Your Business with Trusted Service Providers!

At 2&20, we meticulously curate connections with top-tier third-party vendors, offering tailor-made solutions for vendor selection and management. Rely on our deep expertise, extensive network, and unwavering commitment to quality, ensuring your business aligns with the best, most compatible service providers in the industry. Explore an unparalleled level of confidence and achieve optimal collaborations through our array of specialised services.

SLA Optimisation Service

We conduct in-depth assessments of your service providers' agreements, scrutinising every clause and detail. We go beyond mere scrutiny; we actively negotiate with your providers to secure terms that not only meet but exceed your expectations. Our goal is to ensure you receive the most favourable and advantageous terms, whether it's related to pricing, performance, or service levels. With our expertise and commitment to optimising your agreements, you can trust that your partnerships will not only meet your needs but drive greater value and success for your business.


Vendor Evaluation

Our Vendor Evaluation service is a meticulous and comprehensive process. We assess potential vendors with a discerning eye, considering vital criteria like their capabilities, reputation, financial stability, and past performance. We delve into the details, ensuring that the vendors you choose align with your business objectives seamlessly. By scrutinising these factors, we help you make informed decisions, reduce risks and ensure you collaborate with suppliers who not only meet but exceed your expectations, setting the foundation for productive and successful partnerships.


Cost-Analysis Solutions

Our Cost Analysis Solution is designed to unveil the real expenses involved in your vendor partnerships. By meticulously examining the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), we reveal hidden costs often overlooked. We delve deep to assess not just the upfront price but also the long-term expenses associated with a vendor's products or services. This detailed insight enables you to make informed decisions and ensures that your investments are not only cost-effective but strategically aligned with your business goals, leading to sustainable savings and optimal financial planning.


Business Process Outsourcing Analysis

Our Business Process Outsourcing Analysis service begins with a critical decision: in-house or outsourcing? We help you make an informed choice by thoroughly evaluating your business processes and requirements. Once the outsourcing route is chosen, our expertise comes into play. We ensure a seamless transition by facilitating the onboarding and integration of chosen vendors into your operations. From designing a robust onboarding strategy to optimising workflow alignment, we are your partners in achieving a smooth and efficient transition. Our goal is to maximise the benefits of outsourcing while minimising disruptions, ultimately enhancing your business's operational excellence.


Request for Proposal (RFP) Management

Our Request for Proposal (RFP) Management service is the key to unlocking valuable opportunities for our clients. We manage every aspect of the RFP process, from initial planning to final vendor selection. By meticulously crafting RFPs and skillfully managing the responses, we ensure our clients receive comprehensive and competitive proposals. This service not only saves time and resources but also opens the door to a wider pool of potential vendors. Our expertise in RFP management empowers clients to make well-informed decisions, secure favourable terms, and ultimately, establish strategic partnerships that drive efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and business success.
