Celebrating Emerging Talent

26th June 2023

Introducing the Top 25 Newcomers in Service Provision for the Investment Space

At 2&20, we recognize the invaluable contributions made by experienced professionals in the service provision sector within the investment industry. However, we also believe in acknowledging and celebrating emerging talent that brings fresh perspectives, innovative ideas, and transformative energy to the field. With that vision in mind, we proudly announce nominations have opened for our inaugural list of the Top 25 Newcomers in Service Provision for the Investment Space.

Unveiling the Rising Stars

We are aiming to create a carefully curated list to shine a spotlight on individuals who have entered the service provision industry within the last five years. We wanted to go beyond the traditional "top 30 under 30" concept and create a platform that encompasses not only young achievers but also those who have transitioned into this industry from other careers. By embracing individuals from diverse backgrounds, we believe we can foster a vibrant and inclusive ecosystem within the service provision sector.

Selection Criteria

To compile this prestigious list, we will consider several crucial factors. Firstly, we will evaluate the impact and influence of these newcomers within the investment industry. Despite their relatively short tenure, we are looking for individuals who have already made significant contributions and demonstrate potential for future growth. Additionally, we will be assessing their unique skill sets, expertise, and the positive influence they bring to the service provision field. The Top 25 Newcomers in Service Provision will, we hope, represent a cohort of talented professionals who have embraced innovation and demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities. From leveraging cutting-edge technologies to revolutionising traditional practices, these individuals have shown a remarkable ability to adapt to the dynamic demands of the investment industry.

Looking to the Future

As the service provision industry within the investment landscape continues to evolve, it is crucial to embrace and nurture emerging talent. The Top 25 Newcomers in Service Provision are poised to shape the future of the industry, driving innovation, and contributing to its continued success. We encourage investors, companies, and industry peers to connect with these exceptional individuals and explore the possibilities of collaboration and growth. The service provision industry plays a vital role in the investment space, and celebrating emerging talent is crucial for its ongoing development and progress. The Top 25 Newcomers in Service Provision list will not only recognise the achievements of individuals with under five years of experience but also acknowledges those who have transitioned careers to join this exciting field.

So we are looking for nominations for those talented professionals you believe will make a lasting impact and contribute significantly to the future of service provision in the investment industry.

Stay tuned as we introduce these remarkable individuals and share their inspiring stories of success and innovation.